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mourning hall中文

用"mourning hall"造句"mourning hall" in a sentence"mourning hall"怎麼讀


  • 靈堂


  • The mourning hall was filled with a solemn silence .
  • The man ' s relatives were in a buddhist mourning hall , reciting prayers over the dead body , when it gasped and woke up , the shanghai daily reports
    親人們聚集在佛事靈堂為“亡者”做超生儀式時, “死者”突然開始呼吸、漸漸蘇醒。
  • That plan was going swimmingly ? as they removed the oxygen hoses , dressed him in funeral clothes , and placed him in the mourning hall ? until he started breathing heavily
    計劃順利進行,拆除其輸氧設備、為其穿戴好壽衣、將其安置到靈堂… … .結果老人開始艱難地呼吸。
  • That plan was going swimmingly ? as they removed the oxygen hoses , dressed him in funeral clothes , and placed him in the mourning hall ? until he started breathing heavily
    計劃進行地很順利- -他們把氧氣管拔出,給他穿上了壽衣,并將他安置到一個靈堂中- -直到后來他開始大聲呼吸。
用"mourning hall"造句  
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